Special Projects

Keep Loudoun Beautiful Campaign. WCA volunteers picked up 60 bags of trash along our roads this spring.
Natural resources are an important part of the Waterford community. The scenic beauty of Waterford is reflected by the residents in their gardens and the village's landscaping. Added to this interest is the importance of ground water for wells and rain for the surrounding farms.


Weeding the Village Green in Waterford VA in Loudoun County

Weeding the Village Green

The Waterford Citizens' Association has been caring for Waterford's landscape since its inception in 1954. Hundreds of trees have been planted along the roadways to maintain the village's leaf canopy. Often these efforts are carried out as a joint effort with the Waterford Foundation and Loudoun Mutual Insurance Company.

On the right, the WCA Beautification Committee volunteers clean up the Village Green. The Green needed weeding and sprucing up; and the drainage ditches needed maintenance now that they have undergone a major renovation by VDOT.


Water, Trees & Gardening

Natural resources are an important part of the Waterford community. The scenic beauty of Waterford is reflected by the residents in their gardens and the village's landscaping. Added to this interest is the importance of ground water for wells and rain for the surrounding farms.

Information about:

Waterford Trees


Birds, Butterflies, Mammals, Reptiles, Fish, Plants & trees native to Loudoun [leave site]

More on native plants [leave site]

Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas [leave site]